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Path to Bromo from Malang & Surabaya

Path to Bromo from Malang & Surabaya. To get to the location of Mount Bromo, there are many routes and paths to Mount Bromo that you can take. If you are from outside the East Java area, you can transit to the airport or station or terminal in Surabaya or Malang. If you have arrived in the Surabaya or Malang area and determine the direction and route which one do you take to get to the location of Mount Bromo because Mount Bromo is located in 4 district borders in East Java, each border has an entrance to the location of Mount Bromo. Regional borders in East Java include Malang Regency, Pasuruan Regency, Probolinggo Regency and Lumajang Regency .

Path to Bromo from Malang & Surabaya

Path to Bromo

If you have never been to Bromo, you will be confused about the location of Mount Bromo, for this time we will provide a review of the paths and routes to Mount Bromo from Surabaya and Malang.

Route To Mount Bromo From Surabaya

For visitors who are planning a tour to Bromo from Surabaya, here is the route to Bromo from Surabaya that you must take.
From the city of Surabaya, either from the terminal/airport or the station, there are several choices of lines that you can use.

  1. Surabaya – Malang, Malang – Tumpang, Tumpang – Gubugklakah, Gubugklakah – Ngadas, Ngadas – Jemplang, Jemplang – Mount Bromo
  2. Surabaya – Pasuruan, Pasuruan – Warungdowo, Warungdowo – Tosari, Tosari – Wonokitri, Wonokitri – Dingklik, Dingklik – Penanjakan, Dingklik – Sand Sea, Sand Sea – Mount Bromo
  3. Surabaya – Tongas (Probolinggo), Tongas – Sukapura, Sukapura – Cemorolawang, Cemorolawang – Bromo

Route To Mount Bromo From Malang

In addition to the city of Surabaya, there is the city of Malang, which is the second largest city in the East Java area. To get to Bromo from Malang City, you can transit to the terminal, airport or station. And here are the details of the route and route to Bromo from Malang.

  1. Malang – Tumpang, Tumpang – Gubugklakah, Gubugklakah – Ngadas, Ngadas – Jemplang, Jemplang – Mount Bromo
  2. Malang – Pasuruan, Pasuruan – Warungdowo, Warungdowo – Tosari, Tosari – Wonokitri, Wonokitri – Dingklik, Dingklik – Penanjakan, Dingklik – Sand Sea, Sand Sea – Mount Bromo
  3. Malang – Tongas (Probolinggo), Tongas – Sukapura, Sukapura – Cemorolawang, Cemorolawang – Bromo
    Path to Bromo from Malang – Surabaya

From some of the reviews above regarding the route and path to Bromo from Malang – Surabaya, it is easier and the most crowded taken by tourists who come to the Mount Bromo tourist attraction area, namely the route to Bromo from Malang and Surabaya via Tongas Probolinggo. staying at Mount Bromo there are many choices of homestays, hotels and inns available besides jeep rentals are also easy to get in this area. However, we as a travel tour to Bromo also offer Bromo tour package programs with complete hotel accommodation facilities and jeeps for Bromo tours, with an easy process and low prices. If you are interested in choosing a tour package to Bromo, please contact us for more information about the detailed prices and facilities that we offer.